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Argoclima Betsy, Kwarts-elektrisch verwarmingstoes

  • Argoclima Betsy, Kwarts-elektrisch verwarmingstoestel, Quartz glas, CE, Binnen, Vloer, Wit

    Argoclima Betsy, Kwarts-elektrisch verwarmingstoes New in design and shape. The presence of the full length handle, allows easy and safe handling. The heat
    is immediate and can be customised by switching the two lamps on separately
    New patented design
    Pure white front casing
    Small but efficient
    Develop a pleasant warmth in a few seconds
    Min./max. power consumption: 600/1200 W
    2 quartz candles separately activable for a custom
    Metal protection grid
    Comfortable handle for transportation and easy to
    assemble feet
    Automatic switch-off device in case of overturning

    29,95 29,95

    Titel: Argoclima Betsy, Kwarts-elektrisch verwarmingstoes
    Prijs: € 29,95
    Productcode: 9300000117480228


New in design and shape. The presence of the full length handle, allows easy and safe handling. The heat
is immediate and can be customised by switching the two lamps on separately
New patented design
Pure white front casing
Small but efficient

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